Sports Entertainment Book of the Year | Shortlisted

How To Be an Ex-Footballer

by Peter Crouch

Peter goes in search of the answer to what his second career might be and encounters stories far more bizarre than anything you’ll find on the pitch. From the pleasure and pain of management to the lessons we can learn from Jamie Carragher and Joe Cole on not going to seed. From those staying in the sport – the diehard veterans, coaches, managers, owners and of course the legion of pundits, to those moving on to pastures new. Peter talks to entrepreneurs, men of the cloth, eco warriors, artists, private detectives and budding actors, as well as those who’ve lost their way in addiction, crime and NFTs.

When the final whistle blows, it’s still all to play for.

How to be an Ex-footballer
Explore the rest of the Sports Entertainment Book of the Year Shortlist
Touching the Heights
Square Peg, Round Ball
The Game
The Wood Life Jacket
BBC Sports Report
How to be a Football Manager
Cheers, Geoff!